Thursday, July 16, 2009

The splash pad and story time

So after we ate lunch on Father's Day, we headed over to a local town square shopping area that has a splash pad for kids. Back when I was pregnant with MacKenzie, we had gone out to eat at one of the restaurants in the square and seen all of these little kids running around in the water, but this was the first time that we got to take MacKenzie there. Delaney was there as well, but she wasn't quite ready for running around in the water.

Then that night, Ryan read stories to Mac and Laney in Mac's bed.

And my fave is below. It looks like Delaney is screaming to get out.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ryan's girls

Fathers Day with his two little girls. We went to a little Italian buffet eatery for lunch on Father's Day. Delaney mostly slept and MacKenzie played with crayons and colored pictures for the grandparents. Ryan also finally got to go hit some golf balls that morning at the driving range after a couple month hiatus. After lunch we ventured over to some nearby water fountains for MacKenzie to run through. Those pictures will be up tomorrow. Enjoy these for now while I get caught up.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Delaney has finally slept through the night. 10pm-6am. 8 hours. It was so nice not having to get up at 2 or 3am to feed her. Of course, it might have something to do with her new diet....she now gets a little rice cereal in her bottle.

She had her two month checkup on Tuesday and boy has she grown. She went from 20 inches to 23 1/2 and from 7lbs 6oz to 11lbs 7oz. She is now in the 80th percentile for height and the 68th for weight. MacKenzie was the same for height, but didn't weight as much. But the doctor felt that Delaney was spitting up too much so she told us to put rice cereal in her bottles to see if that solved the problem. And that first night on rice cereal, she slept 8 hours and didn't spit up. I was hoping it wasn't a fluke...and on night two, she slept 7 1/2 hours. So I would call it success. Kenzie started sleeping through the night at 9 weeks, so Laney is right on track with her.

As for her other achievements....she is smiling LOTS, and I finally got a picture of it. And from the looks of this picture, she just might have two dimples instead of just the one like we had thought before.

Life's a beach

Last Sunday, we decided that taking a day out of the weekend to do something fun was a good idea (just like the trip to the zoo the weekend before), so we decided to head to Galveston and play in the Gulf. MacKenzie hadn't been there since before she had started walking. We figured with how much she enjoys the backyard pool that she would love the beach. And boy were we right.

She played in the sand, she ran around in circles (squealing with delight), she ran in the water, she crawled in the water, she rolled around in the water, she did not want to leave the water! We packed a little lunch, flew a kite, built some sand castles (which Kenzie promptly destroyed), and attempted to keep everyone from getting sunburned.

Delaney slept in her bouncer in the little shade tent we brought along. So not so exciting for her. But still a good day. And we even went over to "The Strand", and area of Galveston with little shops and stuff....definitely somewhere my parents will want to go the next time they come down. Bunches of little junk shops. Ryan is glad he saw some bars so he will have something to do when this happens.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It's the zoo, doodley do!

On Sunday, instead of our usual day of trying to get things done around the house, we decided it would be a better idea to take the girls to the zoo. And as MacKenzie loves animals, we invested in a year long membership to the zoo. It really wasn't that expensive and the zoo allows you to bring in your own food, cooler and all.

Last time we went to the zoo, MacKenzie was right around a year old...and still not very interested in the animals...but boy was she interested this time!

(Yes, we are still working on her brushing skills. The wooden handle probably wasn't what the goat wanted to be brushed with. But...she did give all of her attention to this particular goat and ignored all of the other animals.)
She loved the giraffes, the elephants, the cows, the bears (which were having private time in front of everyone), the petting zoo, and the carousel. We worked on animal noises and went home sunburned and exhausted. Delaney chose to sleep. But we did bring her out for a photo op in front of a bird.

Sadly we did not get to take a picture of MacKenzie in front of the elephant shaped bush. The Houston zoo had a baby elephant named Mac. So the first time we went to the zoo, we figured it would be cute to get her picture in front of the elephant bush. And the next time we went to the zoo, we took her picture again in front of the elephant bush. But this time, when we went to where the elephant bush should have been, it was gone. We're pretty sure it's because Mac the elephant died last year. So sad.

Won't someone feed the children!

Once again, MacKenzie does not think that we make her food fast enough. And she knows what shelf in the pantry has most of the foods that she likes. Unfortunately, that shelf also contains other food items that maybe aren't quite what she things they are. We turned around yesterday to discover her enjoying some potato flakes. But I guess the name on the box explains it all.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A crowded bed, pigtails, and corn on the cob

MacKenzie is still doing great in her big girl bed. Of course, we had to take her garbage can, diapers, wipes, books, toys, and other items and put them out of her reach. Otherwise, they wound up in bed with her. The only thing she had left was the stuffed animals sitting on her toy bench. And this is the scene we found the other day when getting her up from her nap. Apparently all of her stuffed animals also needed to take a nap with her. And that is how it has been for the past few days. Her only special request now is that the baby doll sleep on her pillow because that is apparently where baby needs to sleep.

Pigtails. I have wanted to put Kenzie's hair in pigtails for so long, but it took forever for her to have enough hair to do it, and then when she finally did have enough hair, I was certain she would not let me go near it! She barely tolerates the brush, let alone letting me put tiny elastic bands in it. But I gave it a shot anyway....and she hated it!!! But we had success! And it is adorable. Here she is in pigtails, going and getting the morning paper with daddy.

Of course at the end of the day, when the pigtails came out, her hair was less than cute. But I couldn't pass up the opportunity to display her eating one of her new summertime favorites....corn on the cob. I wasn't sure how well she would take to it, but apparently all kids are born with the knowledge of how to stick olives on their fingers before eating...and how to enjoy corn on the cob.